王者在8月11日更新了登陆界面的背景音乐,这首歌是2020年王者荣耀世界冠军杯主题曲,也就是 Evolve,中文名是淬炼。这首歌也是腾讯发行的,于2020年7月13日发行。是Ki:Theory 演唱的。
We're no stranger to the fall out
It's what got us here
Ever changing some chameleon
Blood sweat and tears
We'll never make it if we fall to everything that brings us down
We're the come back kids now
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength in numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
We are stronger now
Blood sweat and tears
Never backing down
Blood sweat and tears
Honor of the crown
Oh no
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength in numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Blood sweat and tears
Every day
Put in work
Fight for what
What we want
Nothing comes over night
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength in numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost yeah yeah
And every day
We put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength In numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
和风.:AG.Vv已掉线…AG.麟羽已上线 AG.兰息已掉线…AG.爱思已上线 AG.梦泪已掉线…AG.一诺已上线 AG.老帅已掉线…AG.老帅重新上线 AG.杰斯已掉线…AG.六点六已上线 ——Vs.vv已尝试重新连接……Vs.vv连接失败……
吹梦♪:1.恐怕需要九倍的破坏力,才能实践独一的执着。 2.侯非侯,王非王,千乘万骑走北芒。 3.没有领土的王,没有故乡的人 4.不会让长安城将我遗忘 5.预言无用,不知道结局的人生才会刺激 6.长城之上是千亿的星空,星空之上是不灭的守望 7.随它陨落,随它沉沦,引它重返千年之盛 8.这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代,我们一无所有,我们巍然矗立 9.长城和长安之间,是无尽的彷徨。 10.讨厌看到他们离我而去,因为是战友吗 11.血肉之躯,燃烧一次足矣 12.孤独是双刃的锋芒 13.唯有燃烧在长城的篝火,让我放下野望 14.屠魔的少年终究成魔,存活最后的魔做了救世主
《王者荣耀》 Evolve(淬炼)歌曲相关推荐